

Spirituality is something that is already present in us, but is more often than not neglected or disregarded, because the identification with the body and everything tangible, even thoughts, are so much stronger. We humans often believe that this is us – what we perceive, in physical and mental form, is the I. I’m convinced that in each of us, maybe buried deep, there is knowledge, perhaps it is just a hunch, that we are so much more than we can see at first.
Something that there are no words for. Something that cannot be described, but can only be practiced, implemented and felt.
This knowledge is in all of us – possibly deeply hidden and showered with conditioning, experiences, expectations, rules and thus
not easy to recognize.

A spiritual practice is possible in every situation in which we are stuck – from an unpleasant moment as well as from pleasant circumstances.
We always have the possibility of transformation. This also gives you the opportunity to get closer to us. For me, cultivating a spiritual practice means nourishing the most important part of myself.
Just as I take care of my body every day, move around every day, eat more nutritious things and rest every day, I also take care of my mind by aligning myself with making a meaningful and loving contribution for myself, this world and in my close environment.
Neglecting spiritual practice is like looking after the body externally, but not providing it with nourishment and nutrients.
The body would simply wither and starve. So does the mind. Body and mind are simply not separable.
What could such a practice look like?
For example, I cultivate and practice acceptance, gratitude, kindness, compassion and love every day. Especially in situations that worry or unsettle me, I resort to aligning myself with this attitude.

Either you take 10 to 30 minutes a day – depending on how and where you direct your attention to or set your priorities. Or you practice integrating your mental attitude into every situation in which you are in and confronted with. Unpleasant as well as pleasant. This type of spiritual practice trains me in awareness, in mindfulness.
Awareness and mindfulness are the clear and non-judgmental perceptions of what is happening in every moment.
Through awareness und mindfulness we bring all of our attention to the present moment and do not dwell in the past or future.
And this results again and again in the opportunity to practice not clinging onto.
In letting go of things, pleasant as well as unpleasant, in letting go of what should or shouldn’t come in my life. We get what we need, not what we want.
It is a daily task that sometimes is a challenge which exhausts me, but also enriches me.
Ultimately, it is also a clear decision for a self-determined life, in which I take responsibility for my life, which was given to me and I am able to experience the wonders of this world.

I alone bear the responsibility for every thought I cultivate and every action I take and thus
I also bear the responsibility for this world and everything that happens around me.

We are spiritual beings in a human body.
The experiences we have in life serve as guides to find our way back to our spirituality.