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„While puruṣa refers to the transcendent God beyond universal creation, he may also be conceived of as the human soul. In contrast to the external causes and effects of prakriti, puruṣa is the internal experience of joy, sorrow, and other stages of being. The soul provides a person with the consciousness of being human and enables the person to observe, enjoy, and grieve. As a witness in the human being, the puruṣa offers guidance to the ego through intuition, which may be received in meditation. It is an individualized parcel of supreme Spirit and therefore ever perfect.“
„May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may my thoughts, words, and actions contribute in some way to happiness and freedom for all.” Adding the Lokah mantra to your personal practice is a meaningful and beautiful way to remind yourself of your own capacity to create freedom and happiness in the lives of others. The words of the mantra offer us three ways to do so: through our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. It does not ask us to work in enormous ways, but instead asks that our intention be to make freedom and happiness available to every creature everywhere in whatever small way we can. In some ways, one might interpret the Lokah mantra as a commentary on the yogic ideal of Ahimsa (Non Harming). If our actions, words, and thoughts are to bring comfort and joy then they are unlikely to cause pain and suffering.
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Das Pure Ashtanga Yoga logiert seit Januar 2020 in neuen Räumlichkeiten. Herrlich gelegen, mitten im Johannesviertel in den schönen Altbauräumen der Alicenstraße 23, hier begrüßen wir Dich mit einem innovativen und kreativem Kursprogramm. Du rollst Deine Matte in den wundervoll historischen Räumen mit liebevoll ausgearbeiteter Stuckdecke aus und Du genießt während der Praxis die erhabene Ruhe und die Weite des Jahrhundert alten Gebäudes. Dich erwarten sonnendurchflutete Räume, die mit Herzlichkeit, Freude, Offenheit und mit viel Yoga gefüllt sind. Dein Ort der Ruhe, der Kraft und Geborgenheit.
Dies ist eine innere Reflexion, die Dir dabei helfen soll, die Kraft deines Herzens zu öffnen und Dein rechtes Gehirn arbeiten zu lassen. Sie ist das Fundament für ein Wachstum von Mitgefühl, Empathie, Großzügigkeit, Freundlichkeit,Güte und Klarheit von innen.
Spirituality is something that is already present in us, but is more often than not neglected or disregarded, because the identification with the body and everything tangible, even thoughts, are so much stronger. We humans often believe that this is us – what we perceive, in physical and mental form, is the I. I’m convinced that in each of us, maybe buried deep, there is knowledge, perhaps it is just a hunch, that we are so much more than we can see at first.Something that there are no words for. Something that cannot be described, but can only be practiced, implemented and felt.This knowledge is in all of us – possibly deeply hidden and showered with conditioning, experiences, expectations, rules and thusnot easy to recognize. A spiritual practice is possible in every situation in which we are stuck – from an unpleasant moment as well as from pleasant circumstances.We always have the possibility of transformation. This also gives you the opportunity to get closer to us. For me, cultivating a spiritual practice means nourishing the …
What is meditation?Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well. Meditation is a skill.Learning to meditate is like learning any other skill. Think of it like exercising a muscle that you’ve never really worked out before. It takes consistent practice to get comfortab
अथ योगानुशासनम् ॥१॥ —
atha yogānuśāsanam ॥1॥
„Dieser Moment (atha) ist Deine Chance, in den Zustand des Yoga (yoga) einzutauchen.“
Dr. Ronald Steiner